Sunday, July 02, 2006

Tropical Stonehenge-Brazil

Tropical Stonehenge may have been found - Yahoo! News

Tropical Stonehenge may have been found - Yahoo! News

Speaking of Astronomy, see the story on a Stonehenge-like artifact found in Brazil. According to at least some sources, the English Stonehenge was used for astronomical observation as outline in astronomer Gerald Hawkins’ "Stonehenge Decoded" written in the 1960’s. See

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Baghdad Battery

The Baghdad Battery. Ancient device that produces a 2 volt electrical current.

With all of this talk about energy shortages and the Iraq war, it is important to remember that electricity came well before Ben Franklin. While there is not absolute proof that this was indeed a battery, it would seem to work as one. See

for more information.
